Is nicotine a barrier to the coronavirous entering the body?


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Preface: coronavirous and nicotine

Smokers should not be happy, only one French research group says nicotine can prevent the coronavirus from entering the body. But research has shown that nicotine prepares the body for other infections. 

The findings come after researchers at a top Paris hospital examined 343 coronavirous patients along with 139 people infected with the illness with milder symptoms.

They found that a low number of them smoked, compared to smoking rates of around 35 percent in France’s general population.

“Among these patients, only five percent were smokers,” said Zahir Amoura, the study’s co-author and a professor of internal medicine.

From the beginning of the coronavirous outbreak, doctors have almost unanimously stated that smokers are at high risk for the disease because the virus attacks the lungs, and smokers’ lungs are sensitive and vulnerable.

But the results of a study published in the Chinese Journal of Medicine show that most hard-to-reach patients with long periods of illness were non-smokers.

Researchers at the French Institute of Neurobiology, Jean-Pierre Changeux, speculate that nicotine patches can prevent the spread of dangerous viruses. They have published the results of this research in the scientific portal Qeios.

French researchers have concluded that, according to their data, which is contrary to Chinese research, very few patients in COVID-19 were smokers.

The most important result of this research, which was reported to AFP by Professor of Internal Medicine, Zahir Amoura, is that out of 500 COVID-19 patients, 350 were hospitalized and another 150 had mild symptoms, only five percent of These people were smokers.

This means that among the statistical population of COVID-19 patients surveyed, there is 80% less than the actual population of smokers, this comparison is based on the age and sex of the patients.

A similar result came from a study by an Italian research group published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine. According to the study, smokers are less likely to develop COVID-19 than others.

French doctors’ research suggests that nicotine may protect against coronary heart disease. The theory is that nicotine binds to ACE2 cell receptors, so the coronavirous cannot enter them and therefore cannot spread through the body. This theory, of course, will be further investigated in a hospital in Paris.

There is controversy among researchers as to whether ACE2 cell receptors can actually block the entry of the coronavirous . For example, two neuroscientists in Virginia on March 18 published the results of a study in the journal Fabes, which found that the coronavirus stimulates cellular receptors.

The two neuroscientists speculate that the virus has a better chance of entering cells through these receptors. This theory can be very difficult to explain in the case of smokers.

Smoking is not the solution

Whether the French researchers are right or their American counterparts can only be clarified through further research. All physicians now agree that smoking is one of the risk factors for COVID disease.

Doctors recommend quitting smoking immediately because the coronavirus is invading the lungs and the smokers’ lungs are already vulnerable.

The nicotine patch used by those who want to quit smoking also injects harmful and carcinogenic substances directly into the body. French researchers warn that even if nicotine can prevent the coronavirous from entering cells, smokers will be at a higher risk of other viral infections after the coronation period has passed and when other people have survived the disease.

However, nicotine use is not safe at all because nicotine is a toxic substance. A smoker injects one to three milligrams of nicotine into his body each time he smokes. Each cigarette contains 12 mg of nicotine.

Corona bond, smoke, and death in the underground supply of hookah

Since the coronavirous epidemic paralyzed people’s lives until today, various restrictive schemes have been implemented for different guilds and businesses. In the most severe form of these restrictions, it was announced that all people should wear masks in public places, and in the most severe case, the quarantine was halved. But of all the restrictions imposed to prevent the outbreak of coronation, the first Businesses or businesses that are restricted and closed are businesses that deal with social interactions with people, businesses such as snack bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and coffee shops. In this type of business And jobs, in addition to the service personnel working in the union units, customers generally gather together to chat and eat and drink, and of course, smoking hookah in some of these businesses is also a constant basis for youth meetings, the latter of which is more than All of them cause coronary heart disease.

Group tobacco and corona

Basically, the most important method of the coronavirous outbreak is the arrival of mucus or droplets in the mouth and nose containing the virus from a sick person or a carrier to the airways of a healthy person. Some scientific reports suggest that in the spread of this dangerous virus, even talking and being within 6 meters of a healthy person increases the likelihood of the virus spreading, let alone that the patient is less than one meter away. Talk to a healthy person or use a common smoking device, including a hookah. Hookah smoking parties or ghettos where some people spend their afternoons are one of the most contagious places for a Crohn’s virus outbreak because hookah reeds Which go hand in hand and at any moment is given to someone from the crowd who is not known to be healthy or is an asymptomatic carrier of the corona, the most important means of contamination of the whole crowd and even the whole people in an enclosed space such as a coffee shop.

Cafes by appointment

The fact is that despite the announcement of restrictions on the activities of coffee shops in Tehran by the police, the monitoring of public places and even the closure of some disobedient coffee shops that were operating normally despite the announcement of restrictions, some commercial units of tea houses and coffee shops The underground face is active and still, despite the worrying news of the deaths of people with coronary heart disease in Tehran, hookah-eating gills are formed in these coffee houses. In these underground coffee houses, mainly the customer and the coffee house owner (coffee maker) They have known each other for a long time. The appointment in the coffee house is made by phone between the people who want to attend, and by phone, the coffee maker is informed during the hour of the hour and the hookah party. At the appointed time, the people who promised each other in front of the coffee. A house that seems to be closed, but inside, a large number of people are sitting inside and smoking hookah. Basically, underground cafes have three CCTV cameras installed outdoors. The two cameras, on the right and left, monitor the passage leading to the coffee house, and the third camera is set to clearly capture the faces of people who want to enter the coffee shop and are standing in front of the door. Through the left cameras And right, before the people leave the door, the coffee house owner makes sure that there are no police or surveillance forces in the passage leading to the coffee house and allows them to leave. The presence of the police around these units is due to the order to seal the coffee shops that serve hookah. The third camera is also used when people enter the coffee shop. When the doorbell rings, the coffee maker on the CCTV monitor controls who is behind the door. If he sees something suspicious or the people who knock on the door are not familiar, he does not open the door at all, he lowers the music to a minimum and asks the people present in the coffee shop not to make noise in order to eliminate the danger. If the people outside were familiar with the door and had already announced their presence over the phone, one of the coffee house students would immediately open the door and guide the newcomers to the empty tables. Slowly

How much do styrofoam devices prevent the spread of coronavirus disease?

Some coffee makers, who were still active in the field of hookah serving underground during the Corona era, say that because of the corona, they offer disposable items to their customers. They use disposable items such as “packaged sugar cubes”, “disposable paper cups”, “disposable plastic straws” and “disposable lipsticks” with lead seals as solutions to prevent the spread of corona. They believe that all these devices are supplied in a sealed and disposable form and reduce the probability of Corona outbreak among customers to zero.

Also, the gathering of a number of people who are eating, drinking, and smoking, in itself, intensifies the transmission of the coronavirous through the air. Contamination of tables, chairs, benches, and common utensils, including cigarette butts, sugar canes, tweezers, and even a corona (electronic payment machine) with the coronavirous , can never be removed by coffee house workers by wiping them with a cloth soaked in disinfectant. In these devices, the probability of contamination of healthy customers is greatly increased. In other words, the environment of coffee houses is so polluted that if all the equipment used is disposable and hygienic, the slightest hand contact with tables and chairs or cigarette butts and sugar and tweezers, the possibility of exposure to the virus in healthy customers. In this way, it can be concluded that there is no escape from Corona when attending a coffee shop.

About KSRA

The Kavian Scientific Research Association (KSRA) is a non-profit research organization to provide research / educational services in December 2013. The members of the community had formed a virtual group on the Viber social network. The core of the Kavian Scientific Association was formed with these members as founders. These individuals, led by Professor Siavosh Kaviani, decided to launch a scientific / research association with an emphasis on education.

KSRA research association, as a non-profit research firm, is committed to providing research services in the field of knowledge. The main beneficiaries of this association are public or private knowledge-based companies, students, researchers, researchers, professors, universities, and industrial and semi-industrial centers around the world.

Our main services Based on Education for all Spectrum people in the world. We want to make an integration between researches and educations. We believe education is the main right of Human beings. So our services should be concentrated on inclusive education.

The KSRA team partners with local under-served communities around the world to improve the access to and quality of knowledge based on education, amplify and augment learning programs where they exist, and create new opportunities for e-learning where traditional education systems are lacking or non-existent.

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Professor Siavosh Kaviani was born in 1961 in Tehran. He had a professorship. He holds a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the QL University of Software Development Methodology and an honorary Ph.D. from the University of Chelsea.