Robotic Helping Hand: A New Mechanism for Helping Disabled People

Robotic Helping Hand: A New Mechanism for Helping Disabled People

Table of Contents


Many assistive technologies implemented to help disabled people. The purpose of this research is to design and implement a new mechanism for disabled people which can be used as a helping hand. Generally, disabled people depend on others to live their lives. Our target is to make a robotic system that has different characteristics to help the physically challenged people. The robot will be able to move in any direction. An open-source Android application is used to control the robot via Bluetooth. The robot responds to move commands in the forward, backward, left, and right directions. A disabled person, especially those who cannot walk will be able to send this robot anywhere. The project also implements a robotic arm with pick and place capability. It is able to pick any object and carry it and place it in the required position. The robotic arm is designed such that it can be controlled by a number of different mechanisms, namely a smartphone as the remote control, or human voice command, or an RF controller. Disabled people can use any one of these methods according to his or her comfort. The robot also uses an IP camera for video observation as well as video communication with others.

  • Author Keywords

    • Helping Hand,
    • Robotic system,
    • Remote control Vehicle,
    • Helping Disabled People,
    • Android app,
    • RF controller,
    • Pick and place,
    • IP camera


Nowadays the robotic system becomes a very common project in the engineering field. In 1921, Karel Capek used the word robot first. A robot is an electromechanical device that is driven by motors and guided by sensors. In recent times, the robotic system is used in different fields and also used in different sector human benefits. The robot is used to reduce labor costs. Voice-controlled wheelchair, gesture vocalizer, smart mobility system, sesame phone, figure reader, etc. are the common assistive technologies for disabled people [1]. But no robotic system is implemented for them yet. This assistive robot has various characteristics like a voice-controlled robot, easy handling of robots with the help of smartphones rather than any remote controller, pick and place system, two ways of video communication, etc.

The smartphone is a basic need in the present time with larger storage capacity, protective processor, and extensive communication methodologies. Bluetooth has gradually increased users’ Android as an open-source platform in recent times. Google speech recognition API is a very common system which is available in almost every smartphone in recent time [2]. In this project, we are trying to reduce the remote work. The robot is moving by just clicking on the cell phone with the Android operation system.

A robotic arm is implemented which will able to pick up and place objects. An articulated robot that has three joints and four degrees of rotation is implemented for this robotic system [3]. DC motor actuator systems are used to control shoulder, elbow, and pick and place movement. Two servo motors are used in the wrist and the base of the robotic arm.

The goal of a voice-controlled robotic vehicle is to listen and acts on the commands received from the user. This is done by adding commands to the controller through a code. The IP camera is added for video monitoring. We can monitor the conditions of different places by sending the vehicle and able to do communication if it is necessary. The paper has been organized in sections. Section II describes the related work, section III describes the methodology, section IV shows a flowchart with algorithms, section V shows the mechanical measurement, section VI shows the structure of implementation, section VII shows design specification with circuit diagrams, section VIII describes results and discussion and section IX describes limitations and the last section X concludes the paper.


A simple way to help disabled people has been designed and developed using some basic components and microcontrollers. The system is efficient and easy to handle. It covers around 15 sq. meter of area. So, it can be used at home to help the disabled people who have difficulties moving on their own. If the device range is increased, the robot can also be used as an industrial robot [7]. This robotic mechanism can also be used to aid people in different purposes such as salvation purposes and moving things in hazardous areas [8,9]. The system has been tested in different environments. This robot is able to help in most of the challenges in the daily lives of physically disabled people. However, the resulting configuration is not guaranteed to be completely human-like. In short, this robot has the great potential to have a major impact on improving the daily lives of physically challenged people.

About KSRA

The Kavian Scientific Research Association (KSRA) is a non-profit research organization to provide research / educational services in December 2013. The members of the community had formed a virtual group on the Viber social network. The core of the Kavian Scientific Association was formed with these members as founders. These individuals, led by Professor Siavosh Kaviani, decided to launch a scientific / research association with an emphasis on education.

KSRA research association, as a non-profit research firm, is committed to providing research services in the field of knowledge. The main beneficiaries of this association are public or private knowledge-based companies, students, researchers, researchers, professors, universities, and industrial and semi-industrial centers around the world.

Our main services Based on Education for all Spectrum people in the world. We want to make an integration between researches and educations. We believe education is the main right of Human beings. So our services should be concentrated on inclusive education.

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FULL Paper PDF file:

Robotic Helping Hand: A New Mechanism for Helping Disabled People



M. A. Sayed, N. Jahan Prithee and H. U. Zaman,




Robotic Helping Hand: A New Mechanism for Helping Disabled People

Publish in

2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Coimbatore, India, 2020, pp. 683-688



PDF reference and original file: Click here



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Somayeh Nosrati was born in 1982 in Tehran. She holds a Master's degree in artificial intelligence from Khatam University of Tehran.

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Professor Siavosh Kaviani was born in 1961 in Tehran. He had a professorship. He holds a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the QL University of Software Development Methodology and an honorary Ph.D. from the University of Chelsea.

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Nasim Gazerani was born in 1983 in Arak. She holds a Master's degree in Software Engineering from UM University of Malaysia.